Republican County Executive Committee Candidates

County Chair

Mark Miller

Precinct Chair

204   Shirley Grohman
305   Joe Kitzman
306   Milam Boyle

407   John Schuetze
410   Melanie Stringfellow

County Chair’s Responsibility

The responsibilities of a County Chair can vary depending on the specific context, but generally include the following:

1.  Overseeing Elections:

County Chairs are responsible for overseeing primary elections, candidate filing, and other local elections within their county. They play a crucial role in ensuring fair and efficient electoral processes.

2. Chairing County Executive Committee Meetings:

As the leader of the local party, County Chairs preside over County Executive Committee Meetings. These meetings involve discussions, decision-making, and planning related to party activities and strategies.

3. Organizing and Leading the Local Party:

County Chairs provide direction and vision for the local party. They work with other party members, volunteers, and officials to organize events, campaigns, and outreach efforts.

4. Assisting with Conventions:

County Chairs may oversee or assist with precinct, county, or Senate District Conventions as required. These conventions are essential for party organization and decision-making.

5. Enforcing Laws Pertaining to County Government:

County Chairs ensure that federal, state, and local laws related to county government are followed. This includes compliance with election laws, financial regulations, and other relevant statutes.

6. Mentoring and Guidance:

Voters in the county look to County Chairs for guidance and mentorship. As a leader in the party, County Chairs set an example and provide support to fellow party members and candidates.

Precinct Chair’s Responsibility

1.  Promote and Grow the Local County Party:

Actively work to expand the party’s reach within your precinct.

Collaborate with fellow party members to increase engagement and participation.

2.  Elect Republican Candidates to Office:

Support and campaign for Republican candidates running for various positions.

Encourage voters in your precinct to vote for Republican candidates.

3.  Maximize the Republican Vote in Your Precinct:

Your primary goal is to increase Republican voter turnout.

Identify, register, inform, and mobilize voters within your precinct.

​4.  Selection Process:

Elected for a two-year term in the Republican Primary by filing with the County Chair to be on the ballot.

If a position becomes vacant after the election, the County Executive Committee (CEC) may appoint someone to fill it.

5.  Duties within Your Precinct:

Get to know Republicans in your precinct.

Organize voters and provide opportunities for involvement.

Register voters and encourage participation.

6.  Duties within the County Party:

Participate in County Executive Committee Meetings.

Serve as an Officer, Committee Chair, or Committee Member.

Recruit Precinct Chairs and Volunteers.

Assist your County Chair as needed.

7.  Duties within Local Elections:

Place signs at polling locations the night before the election.

Serve as or recruit voters as an Election Judge or Election Clerk.

8.  Duties within the Convention Process:

Conduct the Precinct Convention as the Temporary Chair.

Ensure all precinct convention paperwork is returned to the County Chair.

Assist the County Chair in holding the County or Senate District Convention.